welllll hello skateboarders and anyone else who may be reading this (haven't made my tiny stickers yet for the world to see). It's been a bit since i've been here, but that'll change as time goes on and I learn to spell ;)
Stumbled upon some funny ass shit. Reading my least favorite message board (but the one i post on the most, and coincidentally, banned from until later this month but that's for another post)
The guy who runs the place posted a link to You Will Soon and I have to say, this is some funny fuckin shit. This guy is hilarious, and most of all, spot on. I took the liberty of reading most of what he had to say before basing my opinion. You know, instead of just becoming a follower from point A on, i tend to read more than a few pages worth of posts before I become a follower. And let me tell you, shit's entertaining as fuck.
So yeah we filmed last night and it was like a giant game of frogger. Never go to the skatepark on bike night. it's dangerous (ha that's not me or anything).
I swear though, at one point all the bikers lined up in this sort of giant configuration just so ONE biker could do this really high (and i do mean it was high, but its a bike for fuck sake) tail whip (or it could've been a lame X up that we used to do off of curbs in the 4th grade) that took the whole fuckin park to do. Fuckin biker comradeship.
So that's where the haterade comes in. Last night i must've been drinkin' the orange kind because let me tell you, I was hating on these kids. standing in front of them, shooting my board at them (in conspicuously of course ;] )all because I hate them. The pegs fuck up the ramps when they decide to ditch their bike in their awesome 3 foot air and out on the street, EVERY SINGLE SKATESPOT has been fucked by bikers. They take up the space of 4 skateboarders and a chad muska boom box and that just irritates me to no end. It also shows that the owner of the park only gives a fuck about money, instead of the quality of his ramps for the other 2/3's of his customers. Biking is so....1990's anyway (I ride bikes! haha, its funny because i'm a total road biker. fuck that bmx shit, how you gonna get anywhere on those 14 inch wheels?)
So yeah, bikes, no bueno, it makes me want to drink some haterade and quench my thirst for all things (bmx) bike hate related.
And it makes for funny footy when you hear me screaming FUCK! at the top of my lungs when a biker gets in the way of whatever we're doing. And they tend to only say sorry to me, and i'm always saying back "hey man, say sorry to him, you fucked his trick up".
oh well, only a few more months of this and then we'll be back to shredding in the streets.
Oh and in totally un skateboard related anything, I saw this movie last night for the millonth time since my friend hadn't seen it. Needless to say, he was "thrilled"
Go rusty Griswold!!!!
15 years ago